Message from Principal

Message from Principal

Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI) is one of the pioneer institutions in south Asian subcontinent to produce skilled human resource in the field treatment and rehabilitation of person with disability since 1992. The institution was founded by Dr.Valire Ann Taylor as an academic institute of Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed (CRP). CRP is well known for its service of excellence towards person with disabilities as well as BHPI. Since 1992 a large number of quality professionals had completed their academic degrees. BHPI is approved by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, the Faculty of Medicine of Dhaka University for the Masters and Graduate programs, besides that BHPI also affiliated to the Bangladesh State Medicine Faculty for diploma courses. BHPI have collaboration with different overseas international universities e.g Duke University, USA; different organizations (Aus Aid, UK Aid etc) for volunteer faculty support and SAARC Development Fund (SDF) for Rehabilitation Science which is only international course.

The institute is currently offering different level of courses for national and international students these are Masters Program, Graduate, diploma and some specific need based certificate course. Rehabilitation Science, Physiotherapy, Speech & Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy, Prosthetics & Orthotics, laboratory Science departments are available to administer the courses.

So, I strongly recommend the upcoming students to take the unique opportunity offering by Bangladesh Health Professions Institute (BHPI) to serve the nation. Here the students have excellent academic and co curricular facilities in highly secured campus and we have so many international visiting teachers and students for educational purpose which is very useful for further career development. “Service to sufferer is service to God”.

Dr. Md. Omar Ali Sarker