BSc in Physiotherapy

Name of the program: Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy (B.Sc PT)
Affiliating Authority: Medicine Faculty, University of Dhaka

Aim of the program: The aim of the programme is to facilitate critical thinking, academic vigour and self-evaluation in the graduate to develop enterprise and transferable skills.

Bachelor of Science with Honors in Physiotherapy programme was started at BHPI in 1998 with 20 students under faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka. The name of the course has been changed to Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy (B.Sc PT) since 2006. Then, the number of seat was increased to 30 simultaneously. Emphasizing the demand of the programme, the number of seat was again increased to 40 from 2010-2011 sessions. Consequently, the current number of seat has been also increased to 50 from 2015-2016 sessions. The date of commencement in this programme is January in each year. The duration of the course is 5years (Four professional years and 1 year internship). After passing the fourth professional examination, a candidate will have to undergo internship for a period of twelve months.


Application requirement:
The applicant must have passed the S.S.C. and H.S.C or the examination of equal status in science group with biology, Physics and chemistry with out any grace mark or improvement and have to secure the grade point 7 (seven). The candidate must have minimum grade point 3 (three) separately.

Admission test and interview: Students have to appear in admission test which is usually held on December in each year. After qualifying the admission test a candidate will have to undergo medical and physical examination by the medical board. Then, the medical board will give medical certificate on which his/her admission shall be decided. Students, on the basis of merit in admission test and medical certificate will be selected as successful candidate. Thus he/ she will be nominated for admission

After passing the fourth year final examination a candidate will have to undergo internship for a period of twelve months. The period of twelve months internship will be as per the schedule approved by the Institute.

Result: Result will be in term of pass or fail.

Award of degree: the candidate shall be awarded a degree on successful completion of the course including twelve months internship.